
She was cleaning her teeth. 她正在刷牙(宾语:牙齿)。
The fluid is used to clean grease from the hands. 该液体用于清洗手上的油污(宾语:油污)。类似这样的宾语游离现象,参见purge, sow, sprinkle, scatter, swarm等。

cleanse a wound洗净伤口。此外更多是用于抽象事物(“净化”)。
cleanse one's heart of rancor (= cleanse rancor from one's heart) 清除掉心灵的怨恨
to be cleansed of sin洗去罪孽得清洁
The whole world must be cleansed of the evil from which half the world has been freed. (Harry S. Truman, Broadcast, May 8, 1945) 如今半个世界已经摆脱了邪恶,但是整个世界还必须清除邪恶。前几年波斯尼亚的“种族清洗”,就是ethnic cleansing。
但是,clean往往隐约意味着某具体事物原先肮脏不洁,所以商业上的各种用于人体甚至用于居室环境的洗涤剂,不叫cleaner,而用比较“高雅”的cleanser,或cleansing lotion, cleansing milk之类。cleaner则留给房屋的打扫工。女的打扫工叫cleaning lady。另外,cleaner或dry cleaner还指“干洗店”。另外一个同cleanse意义相近而且搭配相同的动词是purge,它在精神领域的抽象意义上可以同cleanse互用。
purge one's conscience净化自己的良心
to be purged of all suspicion洗刷了一切怀疑。但是purge可以用于政治上而cleanse不能。
purge the party of renegades (= purge renegades from the party) 清除党内的叛变分子。