英语听力口语对话100篇之19: In the Beauty Salon(拉皮塗抹聽懂)

B: Well, I have oily skin and there're always small bumps here and there on my face. They are really irritating. How can I get rid of them?
A: Well, I would suggest that you wash your face often. Every night you should rinse your face with lukewarm water, when pat it dry with a clean towel. Make sure you don't rub it dry. Then you apply this cream to your face.
B: Oh, this cream?

A: Yeah,. It's pretty effective in wiping out pore clogging dirt and oil. It rids your face of dead cells and helps stimulate circulation.
Dialogue 2A: Do you know anyone who's had plastic surgery?
B: You mean like a breast enlargement? I don't think that's really necessary. That's not the way a woman should stay attractive.
A: Why not? Why can't we go back to the way things were?
B: Because ... I don't know. But, Connie, you wouldn't do that, would you?
A: Darned right I would.
B: Maybe make-up would be enough?
A: Come on, Liz. Be open-minded! I really hope surgery can wipe out the tired feelings.
B: But what would other people think?
A: I don't care what other people think. I'm ready for a lift.
Key wordssalon : 美容院;oily: 油性的;是oil(油)的形容词形式;bumps: 肿块;irritating: 烦人的;get rid of : 脱离...rinse : 冲洗;lukewarm: 微温的;pat: 轻拍;rub: 擦;apply: 涂抹...; 涂抹化妆品专用单词;wiping out: 擦除;pore: 毛孔;clogging: 阻塞;stimulate: 刺激;circulation: 血液循环;surgery: 手术;enlargement: 放大;attractive: 吸引人的;有魅力的;make-up: 化妆品;open-minded: 开放心态;lift:(=facelift) 拉皮;切忌:听力从自己能听懂70%以上的内容来练习,这样才能有效提高,并且越听越自信;口语从模仿这些简单的句子开始。在听懂的基础上也可适当用倍速播放来磨炼耳朵。
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