骄阳已至 来看看防晒霜的正确用法(防曬霜塗抹皮膚)

Wearing sunscreen is widely acknowledged as being one of the best things we can do for our health. More than 80% of melanoma skin cancer cases are caused by sunburn – and this number is rising year on year. There are an estimated 1.5 million new cases of skin cancer globally each year, with this figure expected to rise by 50% by 2040.

Despite these stark facts and repeated public health warnings about the risks of sun exposure, there's a lot of confusion around how, and when, to apply sunscreen.
Why do we need to protect our skin from the sun?
When we're exposed to the sun, UV radiation damages the DNA, proteins and other molecules found within our skin cells, says Richard Gallo, professor of medicine at University of California.
In moderate amounts, exposure to UV radiation from sunlight helps our skin cells to generate vitamin D. But as we expose our skin to more sunlight, it tries to protect itself by tanning through the production of melanin, Gallo says. \"If the exposure is too high, the skin can't protect itself and you get a burn,\" he says.
This can lead to DNA damage in our cells, which can cause premature ageing, and can increase the risk of developing skin cancer, Gallo says.
Exposure to UV radiation is the main cause of the most common forms of skin cancer.
One 2018 study found that after sunscreen is applied, some UV protection kicks in immediately – though it takes around 10 minutes for this to become stable. However, experts usually recommend that people apply sunscreen 20-30 minutes before sun exposure to allow time for it to absorb into the skin. It might be wise to apply it twice, since studies show that most people tend to underapply sunscreen.
In one study, researchers asked 31 participants to apply sunscreen in a lab under black light, and found that applying it twice reduced the surface area of skin that they missed the first time around.
Scientists also advise reapplying sunscreen after sweating, being immersed in water, or if our skin has rubbed up against clothing or sand.
It's also important to not mix sunscreen with other skin products, such as moisturiser, says Richard Blackburn, professor of sustainable materials at the University of Leeds' school of design. This is because many sunscreens that contain metal nanoparticles like zinc oxide may be less effective because of how these ingredients react with other ingredients.
Blackburn advises against mixing different brands of sunscreen, or mixing a sunscreen with other skin products, in case some of their ingredients are incompatible with each other.