YAKO SKINCARE is a company focusing on skin care with the prospect to create natural, graceful and scientific skin management.The premise is to establish a……...
Located in Ruili, the west of Yunnan Province——the neighboring area between China and Burma. It’s north-west, southwest and southeast is linked together wit……...
如何把一家购物中心里的美甲店设计出高级感美甲店作为一个塑造美的地方,其空间设计和品牌策略,亦跟随着用户的不断更替、时代变迁下的审美观而不断进化。The nail salon is a place where beauty is created. Its space design and brand strate……...
Sfera是一个为化妆师、美发师和美甲师提供的模块化工作空间,按小时计费。Sfera is a modular space for make-up artists, hairdressers, and manicure specialists with hourly rental rates.共享工作台这是设计……...
People tend to pursue fashion and high quality relaxation, beauty service has become a higher pursuit of the body and soul fashion. The interior design of t……...